Friday, March 25, 2011

Fyne Gems : SPINEL


General Gemstone Details

Spinel is often called the great imposter of the gemstone world, being mistaken for all sorts of other gemstones, often on purpose. Spinel is commonly mistaken for ruby, sapphires and tanzanite.

Of the worlds crown jewels, most of what was thought to be rubies, are actually spinel. The most infamous is certainly Prince Edward's (the Black Prince, eldest son of King Edward III of Britain in the Middle Ages) magnificent 170 carat red "ruby" that currently adorns the Imperial State crown in the British Crown jewels, was discovered in the 1940s to actually be red spinel.

Another would be a 352 carat stone currently owned by Queen Elizabeth, the Timur Ruby, which has the names of all the Mighal emperors who previously own it, engraved on the face...turned out to be red spinel, as well....just imagine.

Spinel is now a gemstone that is treasured for its own beauty. It's wonderful brilliance, hardness and wonderful range of spectacular colors makes this gemstone a favor amongst dealers. It's colors range from reds, pinks, violet, and blues.

Due to the fact that it is actually spinels that are created in a laboratory to be used for imitation birthstone rings, most often people think "fake" when they hear the name spinel. It is a shame that a great number of people will never actually set eyes on the real thing.

Scientific Properties

Mohs Hardness of 8 with a cubic crystal structure.

Spinel is found in a wide range of colors, depending on the presence of various impurities and can present as transparent to almost opaque.

Spinel occurs in granites and metamorphic rocks, and is quite often found in conjunction with corundum. One of the ways to differentiate spinel from other stones is that spinel possesses no electrical properties when subjected to heat, yet the ruby and garnet do. Spinel has an amazingly high melting point of 2135 Celsius.

The name spinel is derived from the Greek spinther, which means sparkling. It was valued as a gemstone and protective stone by the Greeks and Romans due to it's sparkling colors.

Mystical Properties

Spinel is said to be able to clarify thoughts and creative ideas, as well as attracting the help that is required for any given situation.

Black will help one be in charge of situations and to handle other people in a correct manner.

Blue or Gray colored spinel will enhance discrimination, especially about friends and what situations we become involved in, also quite good for spiritual communication.

Dark Green is said to enhance communication skills as well as increase money.

Light Green is told to be worn when one feels fear.

Pink is the color that is quite good for couples in relationships as it fosters love.

Peach is said to build self-esteem and soften criticism towards others or oneself.

Red is excellent for increasing vitality, confidence and leadership.

Violet is used to avoid being victimize, and helps enhance communication between generations.

Yellow is said to be for those with low self-esteem as it fosters a stronger belief in one's own abilities.

Healing Properties

Spinel is a high energy stone, used to lend the body energy and to heal physical energy blockages. The beautiful gemstone has a calming effect on all kinds of inflammations, even neurits and it's symptoms are told to benefit from it. It will speed the recovery of all diseases associated with movement, including issues with joints, bones and muscles.

Spinel will actually grant strength to the wearer and increase her powers of self healing, this makes it possible for one to protect oneself from the troublesome influences of others.

Magical Properties

Energy: Projective

Element: Fire

Powers: Energy and money

Spinel is used in magic to lend energy to the physical body, it is also worn for the same purpose. It can be used to boost physical strength during periods of excessive exertion; it is also used in spells designed to attract riches and wealth.


Associations: Pluto

Not a traditional birthstone for any month.
Dark blue spinel is linked to Sagittarius, red is told to be effective for Scorpio, it symbolized purposefulness, and helps the wearer to recognize what is right for her as well as granting the energy to act accordingly.

Chakra Classification

Red spinel is most effective on the 1st, Root or Base Chakra, blue on the 6th, Third Eye or Brow Chakra and violet on the 7th, Crown Chakra.

Information Sources:
The Crystal Bible by Judy Hall, 2003
Wheels of Life by Anodea Judith, PhD, 2000
Crystal Enchantments by D.J. Conway, 1999
Smithsonian Handbooks Gemstones by Cally Hall, 1994
Crystal, Gem and Metal Magic by Scott Cunningham, 2002
Chakra Healing & Karmic Awareness by Keith Sherwood, 2005
The Illustrated Directory of Crystal Healing by Cassandra Eason, 2003
Healing Crystals and Gemstones by Dr. Flora Peschek-Bohmer, Gisela Schrieber, 2002

The information here is presented to you to use as you see fit, but is not to take the place of professional medical advice. Crystals, Gemstones and Metal can accent, help, negate, protect, encourage, strengthen, and balance and thereby promote healing. Their effects can be extraordinary, but use in addition to medical advice, and not as a substitute for proper care. If you are ill, we beseech you to seek professional medical attention from a qualified physician.

Information extracted, with courtsey from Shimerling Inc.

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